
Life, Minutiae, Toys, Irrational Phobias, Peeves, Fiber

More Volumes, Please

Posted on | April 26, 2004 at 10:55 pm | 3 Comments

I finally saw Kill Bill Vol 2 this weekend, and it was exquisite. Much more dialog, characterization, and plot, and less action than the excellent first installment, but I don’t have a problem with that. Read More for my capsule review…

Tarantino is known for his restless camera; he rarely allows a static shot. But here you will have the impression of grace and stateliness in his visual style, and only on a second viewing will you realize the subtlety with which his camera does, indeed, incessantly move, insinuating itself into conversations like a curious uninvited guest. At the beginning of Kill Bill Vol 2 as I suggested, it seems to represent a world completely alien to us. By the end, we realize these people have all the same emotions, passions, fears and desires that we do. It is simply that they value them more highly, and are less careless with them, and do not in the cause of self-indulgence choose a moment’s pleasure over a lifetime’s exquisite and romantic regret.

Okay, I stole that from a Roger Ebert review of a different movie, substituting the names (3 gold stars and a steamed snow pea to anyone who figures out what movie).

The movie definitely left me with a feeling of wanting more. More of Pei Mei and his training sessions with The Bride. More backstory about what happened to Budd after the Massacre at Two Pines. More backstory in general about the Assassination Squad, and the relationship between The Bride and Bill. And, of course, I want to know what happens next…

But then again, I want to see Tarantino move on and show us something else, something new in another genre. And not take another six years to do it.



3 Responses to “More Volumes, Please”

  1. Snow pea, please!
    April 27th, 2004 @ 10:20 am

    "The Age of Innocence," perhaps?

  2. Flasshe
    April 27th, 2004 @ 10:31 am

    You are correct, Aimster. I’m hoping you just knew that, rather than using a search engine.

    Your snow pea is in the mail.

  3. Pea brain
    April 30th, 2004 @ 10:43 am

    Better hold on hope . . . I’m not ashamed, though, if it gets me a snow pea. Peas by any means necessary!

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