
Life, Minutiae, Toys, Irrational Phobias, Peeves, Fiber

Hogwarts and All

I am currently reading Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Abu Ghraib, in preparation for the movie adaption, which is coming out in a month or so. I did the same thing with the first two books – I read them right before the movies came out. Hey, they’re a quick read and [...]

Big Bro iWY

I’ve suddenly noticed, especially since they’ve been redesigning one of the major intersections that I go through on the way to work each day, that many of the intersections around town are now sporting traffic surveillance cameras that point in all four directions. I don’t know if they all sprung up overnight, or they’ve [...]

The Never-Ending Upgrade Cycle & Swirling Instruments

I told myself that I wasn’t going to do any more upgrades to my home theater for a long time after buying the new furniture, but of course that resolution didn’t last too long…

A Review I Probably Shouldn’t Have Written

I saw The Passion of the Christ today, and though I’m inclined to not talk about it and avoid ruffling some feathers, I just can’t help myself….

Soothing, Relaxing Waterfalls

Y’know, keeping this blog thing up to date is harder than I thought it would be. I suppose it would help if I actually had something interesting to say.
I’ve posted a new old Reign of Frogs song from the ancient archives on the band MP3 page. It’s a short instrumental called Release. [...]

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