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Heaven Can Wait

Posted on | March 31, 2005 at 4:53 pm | 8 Comments

Last night’s new episode of South Park was the funniest one in a long time. I laughed myself sick. Any episode that combines a Kenny-centric story, the Sony PSP, the plot of Ender’s Game (or maybe Last Starfighter), the Terri Schiavo debate, the war between Heaven and Hell, Lord of the Rings, “Best Friends Forever” necklaces, and Keanu Reeves… you know it’s gotta be interesting. And it was all very tightly plotted too (for once)!

I had only one quibble with the plot: How could Kenny (or his parents) afford to buy a PSP?

Aw, Cartman, Cartman. “This one time, Kenny told me…”

And there were lots of just neat little things, like the angel sniffing the magic marker. And part of the Heaven skyline looked a bit like the Denver skyline, though maybe I was imagining that.

Here’s something else interesting: Toshiba has developed a lithium-ion battery that fully recharges in minutes. Technology marches on!



8 Responses to “Heaven Can Wait”

  1. Sue
    April 3rd, 2005 @ 10:18 pm

    Yes, it was a great SP — best one of the season so far, definitely. But where is your review of SIN CITY? I expect timely write-ups of comic book movies from this blog! More reviews, mule!

  2. Flasshe
    April 4th, 2005 @ 7:53 am

    I did see Sin City yesterday, but I need time to do a full writeup. It was a busy weekend (mostly because of work). Short version: It’s great and groundbreaking and Go See It, but I did have some minor criticisms that I want to go into detail about.

  3. dmw
    April 4th, 2005 @ 11:22 am

    Pathetic Caverns, on the other hand, has a full review already, thanks in no small part to the tireless efforts of our extraordinary editorial team. It’s not exactly a rave.

  4. Flasshe
    April 4th, 2005 @ 12:07 pm

    Interesting, Doug… Yeah, if you didn’t like the comics, then there’s no way you’re going to like the movie, since it’s basically the same thing. And unless you were looking to Rodriguez to fix the things you didn’t like, what point was there in even going to see the movie? There were enough reviews and impressions out there to clue you into the fact that it was going to be an extremely faithful adaption. You had to know the only thing you liked about the comic (the art) was not exactly going to be the same in a different media.

    I have more to say but will save it for my own review.

  5. dmw
    April 4th, 2005 @ 12:48 pm

    welll, in the first place, i try to avoid detailed reviews of things i might see. and one blogger friend (outside Our Gang) who i trust a lot on music and kinda sorta trusted on movies liked it a lot — but mostly, it was the Designated Social Activity of the evenin. i had no real desire to see it.
    but i don’t remember disliking the comics nearly as much as i hated the movie — i mean, i kept buying them for a while. i’m not sure how much of that is my attitudes having changed, how much of it is it being just too much of the same thing for over two hours (vs. 20 minutes of reading every 2 months, a very different prospect), and how much is that i’m willing to make allowances for things in comics that i’m not willing to make allowances for in film. i think a mix of all 3 might be at work, although that last bias is kinda news to me.

  6. Flasshe
    April 4th, 2005 @ 1:01 pm

    Yes, that last one does tie a bit into one of my criticisms. Much as I distrust Hollywood, there’s a reason no one’s ever done such a faithful comic-to-screen translation before. Much as we’d like to believe comics are just “films on the printed page”, there are things that work better in one medium than in the other.

  7. dmw
    April 4th, 2005 @ 1:09 pm

    yeah, i think i find some things less acceptable when they happen to a person than to a picture. even when the person is an actor and it’s really just a picture of a person.

  8. 2fs
    April 4th, 2005 @ 9:34 pm

    Nice review, Doug. BTW: Some band somewhere will no doubt take up the phrase “Tits and Stabbings” for their next album title.

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