
Life, Minutiae, Toys, Irrational Phobias, Peeves, Fiber

Shameless Hucksterism and Other Band Stuff

Forgot to mention that I’ve reduced the price of the Reign of Frogs CD, A Case Of Mistaken Serenity, from $8 to $5. Hey, that barely covers the cost of shipping the thing! So, if you don’t have a copy, there’s no reason not to order one. That’s cheaper than even the [...]

Smoke And Mirrors

This past weekend, I caught a sneak preview of the theatrical documentary Enron: The Smartest Guys In The Room, that was shown on Mark Cuban’s HDNet Movies channel (presumedly because Cuban was one of the producers). Fascinating stuff, especially for someone like me who had never even heard of Enron until the scandal broke. [...]

Another Capitulation To Paranoia

Today I bought something that five years ago I never would’ve thought I’d be buying. I bought a paper shredder. No home should be without one! Ah, what does it say about our society when we feel we need to shred every piece of paper we get (not to mention old credit [...]

Indecision’s Got Me On The Run

Last night on the The Daily Show, Dennis Miller made the same pope = Cliff from Cheers joke that I made in my blog on Tuesday. Wow, I could be a writer for Dennis Miller!
No, no, Jennifer, please no… First Elektra, and now this.
I haven’t bought any new CDs in awhile, other than [...]

That’s Why They Call It “PlayStation”

We all know what primarly drives the acceptance of new media technology, so this application for the PSP shouldn’t surprise anyone. However, since you have to use two hands to control the PSP (see guy in picture), I’m not sure what the point is.
I digest again, therefore I am.


Well, I guess the selection of a new pope today drives a nail in the Bono For Pope movement. But who woulda thought they’d elect that Cliff guy from Cheers. It’s a good choice, since that guy knows everything.
Hey, I think this is the first time ever I’ve done an entire week of [...]

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