
Life, Minutiae, Toys, Irrational Phobias, Peeves, Fiber

Hot Coffee In Bed

Oy Vey. Sen. Clinton seeks ‘Grand Theft’ sex scene probe. Okay, here’s what disturbs me about this. First of all, the mod that allows this can only be done to the PC version of the game, not the PS2 or Xbox version. The articles rarely mention that. Therefore, the AO [...]

Will Brave Death Trap For Food

I was over at my sister Lori’s the other day for my dad’s birthday party. My brother-in-law Glen recently put a hanging bird feeder in a tree in their backyard. They quickly found that the squirrels would eat all the birdseed before most of the birds could get to it. So, in [...]

Making Spectacles More Spectacular

Another serious lack of updates lately. A hand injury made it uncomfortable to type for several days, plus I’ve been pretty busy. Haven’t had a lot to talk about. I’ve got a lot of music to review, but haven’t had the time/energy to put down all my thoughts yet.
Last week was “Re-Experience [...]

War of the Voles

War of the Worlds is a real roller coaster ride. Let’s put this in the “more” section since I’ll probably get into some major spoilers. Note that I have a new rating system!

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