Who Stole My Forks?
Seriously, where are my missing two forks, dude? I know I had eight forks a few weeks ago and now there are only six. I’ve looked everywhere, including the dishwasher and all the drawers. Six forks. That’s it. I think they’ve been missing since I hosted the family birthday dinner thing [...]
Hollywood Strikes Gold
This weekend, I finally got a chance to see the greatest movie of our generation. And the name of that movie is…
Denver Cowtown Status Intact
Kudos to the Rocky Mountain News for an editorial today (belated though it is) decrying the stupidity of the Jefferson County commissioners in not approving the digital TV tower on Lookout Mountain (see my previous blog entries about it here and here). I’m ashamed to be living in the county that these bozos oversee. [...]
It’s All About Me, Isn’t It?
Bowing to internal pressure (i.e. pressure from myself alone), I have finally capitulated and written an About Me page for this blog. More info on why is in there. The page will also be permanently linked in the sidebar over to the right under the “Pages” category. I will endeavor to keep [...]
Sweeps Month Local News, Pt 3
And now this, during tonight’s Alias:
I must journey… to the fridge… for another beer… *burp*
More Sweeps Month Silliness
Cops tasing cops?!? Say it ain’t so!
Somebody’s doing drugs in the newsroom.