
Life, Minutiae, Toys, Irrational Phobias, Peeves, Fiber

In The Shadow Of My Magnificence

Allow me to share with you one of my traffic pet peeves. It is the driver who tailgates me in the left lane of the highway not because I am going too slow, but because I am going too fast and he wants to go the same speed, but wants me to take the [...]

Oh What Dark Times We Live In

… when Yanni can get arrested, but not for his music.
Guess I’ll have to throw out all my Yanni CDs.

Write It 100 Times

I will not participate in the spread of pop culture videos on the Internet…
I will not participate in the spread of pop culture videos on the Internet…
Okay, just this once. I may be late to the game on this one, but I just discovered the live action Simpsons opening that someone filmed. Very [...]

Oscar Musings

Hollywood’s self congratulatory orgy of excess is over for another year, and gosh wow, wasn’t that exciting. (Actually, it’s not totally over until Entertainment Weekly does three or four Oscar wrapup issues.) So, what have we learned? Not much, as it turns out. First, go read Sue’s wrapup – I pretty [...]


Things I learned from my recent bout with the flu or whatever virus, which I think was the longest, most intense illness I’ve had in my life:

When I’m sick, I don’t want to do anything. I always kept thinking “Wouldn’t it be great to be sick for a couple of weeks so I could [...]

All Without ‘Shrooms

So I went to the HMO eye doctor today, not only because my vision has been decreased in general since the virus hit, but also because I’ve been having some dandy visual hallucinations. The diagnosis – no surprise to me- was Ocular Migraine (the graphic in that link is a pretty close approximation of [...]

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