
Life, Minutiae, Toys, Irrational Phobias, Peeves, Fiber

Hugh-Man Explains It All

Hugh expounds while Ray listens enthralled at Las Delicias.

Rainy AFD

It’s starting to rain a bit here…

Out of Sercive

Here’s an Out of Order photo kiosk at the local Safeway this morning. No digital photo processing for you today! At first I thought it said “Sorry for the inconcience”, but then I realized the “c” is a “v”. But “inconvience” is still not a word. D’oh! (Click on picture for bigger version.)


You’ve Got The Power, We’ve Got The Key

As I’ve mentioned before, I love tales of iPod shuffle play synchronicity. And I love it when it happens to me. This morning, when my iHome alarm clock went off, I had the iPod in shuffle play as usual and knew from when I set it up the night before what the first [...]