
Life, Minutiae, Toys, Irrational Phobias, Peeves, Fiber

Diminishing Sequel Returns

Posted on | May 28, 2006 at 5:50 pm | Comments Off

Yeah, it’s been awhile. Again. I’m dealing with a family situation that is taking up a lot of my time and is totally exhausting my energies (physical, mental, emotional). I’m getting over a cold too. So I haven’t really thought much about the ol’ blog lately. Although I am still taking a lot of digital pix and posting them to my Flickr area whenever I can. I still need to do the Columbus pix, which will be time-consuming, and also some cool ones from the bar last night. Soon, soon…

Saw X-Men: The Last Stand today with my buddy Bryce (between his daughter’s basketball games). We both didn’t like it as much as the last one, though neither of us could totally pin down why. It certainly had all the geek-pleasing elements thrown into it. But that was probably part of the problem. There was just too much happening and it didn’t have focus. The directing and editing didn’t really pull things together. It wasn’t bad, it just seemed inept. Although there were a lot of cool scenes and a lot of effects. And Hugh Jackman still rules as Wolverine. They had the new trailer for Superman Returns, and I have to say that it looks much better than this affair. If only Singer had been able to direct X3 as well as SR. Brett Ratner is no Bryan Singer.

If you go see X-Men, be sure to stay through the end credits. There’s an extra scene at the end that imparts some vital information.

The bar pix from Saturday night are now posted here.



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