
Life, Minutiae, Toys, Irrational Phobias, Peeves, Fiber

You’ll Believe A Man Can Cry

Yeah, long time no see. Remind me to whine about all my personal problems sometime.
Saw Superman Returns Thursday night, with the bache-ing-it-this-weekend Bryce. Though I generally enjoyed myself and managed to stay awake (a major feat these days, especially for an evening movie), I still had a lot of problems with the movie. [...]

I’ll Take What I Can Get

So do you know what the best thing to happen to me last weekend was? The battery in my car died.
Luckily it died in the parking lot of a Sears Auto Center, and I was back up and running with a new battery in about a half hour. I had known it was [...]

A Brief Respite

Taking a break from cleaning out my garage…
At least one good thing has happened lately in the chaos that has become my life. Last week, my friends Shalini and Mitch (whom I recently visited in North Carolina) stopped by Denver for a little while on their way home from the west coast. Unfortunately, [...]

The Misuse Of Digital Cameras

Time for my weekly blog entry…
Experimental as it is, this is one of my favorite photos that I took at the Renaissance Festival this weekend. I attended Kelli and Jim’s wedding there; it was pretty cool. I took a lot of pictures of both the wedding and the festival. Like the Columbus [...]

Alien Probes

I took this picture from a moving car on the highway. These are trucks parked in front of the speedway. There were many more just like them off to the right, all with those cherry pickers or whatever pointing to the sky. Someone please tell me what they are!

Sawing Zs Through Da Vinci

So Dark The Theater Of Man. I wish I could make a definitive statement about whether or not The Da Vinci Code was a good movie, but I kept nodding off during it. I don’t think that’s a reflection on the movie, because something tells me I would’ve slept through any movie today, [...]