
Life, Minutiae, Toys, Irrational Phobias, Peeves, Fiber

Alli Wanna Do Is Lose Weight And Not Leak

Posted on | February 21, 2007 at 5:41 am | 2 Comments

Yesterday I read about this new prescription diet pill called alli (generic name “orlistat”) in the Rocky Mountain News. As the columnist mentioned, who in their right mind would want to be on this drug? In order to take it and not have to wear adult diapers at all times, you must maintain a strict low fat diet and exercise regimen. But if you can do that, why would you need the drug?

Oh well, maybe some people would like it because it will give them an excuse. “Yes, I just crapped my pants. But I’m on medication that makes me do that. Now give me my Big Mac and fries, please.”

This reminds me of the whole Olestra fat substitute fiasco. I tried the chips made from that when they first came out. They didn’t taste too bad, aside from some aftertaste. But the effects on my digestive system were just too much to take. I’m surprised that Olestra products are still on the market. I guess some people must be able to tolerate them better.

As the article says about alli, “Remember, orlistat works by blocking absorption of fat. And it’s gotta come out somewhere.” My guess is that’s going to apply to any type of fat blocking drug or substance, now or in the future. Maybe a different route to prescription weight control is called for, lest we all end up a society of stinky (but skinny) people.



2 Responses to “Alli Wanna Do Is Lose Weight And Not Leak”

  1. InfK
    February 22nd, 2007 @ 1:39 am

    If the majority of Americans are considered obese, how long can it be until that becomes the new societal norm? I’m prepared to wait indefinitely if need be.

    As for the pill, it could be just a cleverly disguised form of corporate welfare for the comedy writing industry – much like Congress, AM I RIGHT PEOPLE?

  2. Flasshe
    February 22nd, 2007 @ 10:16 pm

    Ben, you will never be obese. So be prepared to be in the minority.

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