
Life, Minutiae, Toys, Irrational Phobias, Peeves, Fiber

The Graham Parker’s Too Short

Posted on | November 4, 2007 at 6:54 pm | 2 Comments

Polar Bear at the Denver ZooDay 4 of NaBloPoMo at Chez FlasshePoint today, and what a lazy day it was. The gf and I didn’t do much. I couldn’t even be bothered to do the blog entry until now. I probably should’ve raked some more leaves, like I did last weekend, but I got most of the front yard ones done then and the back yard tree still has about half its brood. So I’ll wait until it totally drops.

Leaf-raking is another joy of homeowner-ship. Why can’t all trees keep their leaves year round? Although I guess that would be disastrous in the winter when the snow weighs down the branches. And disposing of them is a hassle. I had approx 10 33-gallon bags full of leaves last week. I was surprised the garbage man took them all. Denver has a leaf drop, but I’m not in Denver proper and it’s not open to residents of other cities. And even so, you’d still have to cart the bags somewhere and would waste just as much plastic bagging them. Ah, for the days of burning leaves. I remember helping my dad do that back in the 60s, before there was such a thing as pollution.

Last night, we watched The Queen on DVD. It was pretty good, especially for its glimpse into modern British royalty, which is something neither of us knew much about. N and I both gave it a 3 out of 5. We dinged it a bit because there wasn’t really all that much that happened in it. But the performances were strong, and we really felt for Tony Blair.

And now the weekend is about over, and I’m sad. Hopefully there will be another one soon.

Jogged Today: No (slept in, despite the extra hour from DST ending)

Today’s Weight: 164.2 lbs
Lunch Yesterday: None. Late breakfast.
Pet Peeve of the Day: WordPress really needs to enforce specifying a post title. Yesterday’s entry was another post that didn’t originally have one. I think the old version did enforce that, but I’m not sure.



2 Responses to “The Graham Parker’s Too Short”

  1. DMR
    November 5th, 2007 @ 1:20 pm

    I gave up on amature leaf collecting and turned it over to the pros. For my house (and I had a huge Ash tree) it was about $200, and I’d come home from work to find the whole yard done! Of course you have to wait until all the leaves drop – luckily Ash’s tend to drop them all in one fell swoop. My silver maple liked to drop them one at a time for several months. Well, it seamed like it, anyway.

  2. Flasshe
    November 6th, 2007 @ 11:33 pm

    It never even occurred to me to pay someone (other than neighborhood kids) to rake my leaves. $200 seems a bit steep…

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