
Life, Minutiae, Toys, Irrational Phobias, Peeves, Fiber

It’s Wednesday And All Is Well

Posted on | January 30, 2008 at 11:04 pm | 2 Comments

Got my Prius back! Got my Prius back! Good Lord Almighty, I gots my Prius back! It’s been over a month since the accident, and it’s been in the shop nearly that long, but now it’s back safe and sound in my garage, and looking all new-like and everything. All systems seem to work, including the DICE iPod integration unit that I left in it when I took it to the body shop. They even gave me a new key (recoded) after having lost the other one. The Cobalt and it’s two identical keys on one key ring went back to the rental company. So hopefully that will be the end of my car key-related problems. Now if I can just avoid running into any more buses. Or anything else. I’m going to treat you right, baby. Heck, I may even splurge on the midgrade gas once in awhile. It sure is a pleasure driving the Prius instead of the Cobalt, and not just because of the gas savings. Everything is just so much smoooother with the Prius.

In celebration of getting my car back, I’m not going to write anything potentially interesting. I’m just going to go to bed. Please join in with me in celebrating this momentous occasion and go to bed early instead of surfing the Internet further. Thank you.

Jogged Today: Yes (@ 29°F)
Songs That Came Up On The iPod While Jogging:

  • “Chasing After Deer” (Midlake)
  • “Initiate” (Calla)
  • “Swimming Trunks” (Baby Chaos)
  • “Occupation: Unknown” (Alternate Learning)
  • “Ultra Vivid Color” (Dressy Bessy)
  • “Kill Haole Day” (Dambuilders)
  • “Embassy Row” (Pavement)
  • “A Space Boy Dream” (Belle & Sebastian)
  • “[Untitled Track 8]” (Mind Reels)

Pet Peeve of the Day:



2 Responses to “It’s Wednesday And All Is Well”

  1. Bill the Galactic Here
    January 31st, 2008 @ 3:41 pm

    Congratulations on getting your wheels back. Pedantry requires me to comment that using higher octane fuel than specified does no good except from the view of the oil industry whose pockets get lined.

  2. 2fs
    January 31st, 2008 @ 8:32 pm

    Sorry, Flasshe – I’m not going to bed with you.

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