
Life, Minutiae, Toys, Irrational Phobias, Peeves, Fiber

It’s Thursday And There’s A Wall

Posted on | January 31, 2008 at 11:19 pm | 1 Comment

Okay, I admit it. I’m starting to hit the wall here with this blogging-every day thing. After what… 94 days? Hey, I should at least be able to make 100. I don’t think it’s so much an idea problem, since I can always think of something if I try hard enough. I think it’s more of a time issue. There’s so much I want to do other than blog right now. Like catching up on my TV watching. Also still trying to get some books read. I think I’m reading like 3 books simultaneously now. And there’s always lots to do on the CD-ripping front. Lately I’ve been doing the blog entry right before bed, and that’s not my most creative period of the day. I just want to get it over with and jump into bed.

Spoiler warning. Saw the season premiere of Lost tonight – it rocked! Poor Hurley. You’d think that once they got off the island, the mysteries would end, but no… it just brings up more questions. I was initially put off by the whole flash-forward thing, thinking they were painting themselves into a corner, ending the tension and jumping the shark, but now I see how it could work.

Speaking of Lost, I bought myself the Blu-Ray 3rd season set the other day. It was on sale at Amazon for $40! Couldn’t pass that up, even though I don’t have something to play it on. I also recently bought a PlayStation 3 game (Heavenly Sword), because it was on sale too. And I don’t have a PS3 yet. I’m always doing crap like that. Then I can rationalize to myself that I have to buy the thing because I’ve already got the media for it. I did buy the equivalent of a PS3 this month, but it was really called “$500 insurance deductible for crashing the car into a bus”.

I’ve been trying to eat more healthily lately. Fruit instead of chips or chocolate, for example. I’ve forgotten how good granny smith apples are! And oranges, even. And those weird little Clementine things. I just wish cheap good grapes were in season.

I finally saw The Notorious Bettie Page last night. It was curiously flat. Like the critics said, it really didn’t get into her psyche much, so you didn’t know what made her tick. She seemed pretty shallow. When she had her religious conversion at the end, it was certainly foreshadowed a lot, but still didn’t really seem to fit. And someone needs to tell me why most of the film is in black and white, except for the Miami scenes, which were in color. At least there was plenty of boobage. And bangs.

Pet Peeve of the Day: The commute, again. It took me an hour to drive into work today. The city got a few inches of snow overnight and the streets were an icy mess in the morning. I’m not sure the plows and sanders were doing their job. The weird thing is that it didn’t actually snow at my house – I even went running because the streets were dry. When I left the house, the sun was out and it was warming up. If I hadn’t been watching the news reports, I would’ve had no idea that the city got snow or how bad the commute was going to be. As it was, knowing didn’t help much, since all roads into town were like a parking lot. I was so scared of injuring my newly-rebuilt Prius that I was extra slow and careful.

Jogged Today: Yes (@ 20°F)
Songs That Came Up On The iPod While Jogging:

  • “Not So Much The Time” (The Records)
  • “Wing and a Prayer” (Mission UK)
  • “Funniest Thing” (Supergrass)
  • “Rotary Ten” (R.E.M.)
  • “Married to a Lazy Lover” (The Auteurs)
  • “Texas Song” (Glory Fountain)
  • “I’m Not Your Mother” (Blake Babies)
  • “Want You Now” (Letters Lost)



One Response to “It’s Thursday And There’s A Wall”

  1. InfK
    February 1st, 2008 @ 3:38 am

    I remember buying the soundtrack to “2001: A Space Odyssey” on CD when I heard it was going out of print. I didn’t have anything to play it on back then, but I knew I would someday.

    Years later, I got a CD player – well, a CD-ROM drive anyway, which could have played the disc. But I don’t think I ever played it.

    Fast-forward to the 21st century – I’m currently in the market for a DVD player…

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