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Beeps Or Electric Shocks?

Posted on | February 23, 2008 at 2:57 pm | Comments Off

I stayed up too late last night playing with my PS3 (especially Heavenly Sword, which is beautiful). Very tired today even though I’ve got tax-related stuff to do.

In the news today:

The U.S. is ready to go live with a “virtual fence” on the border with Mexico, in the hopes of curbing some illegal immigration. The only problem with this system is that it requires all Mexicans to wear an electronic collar.

Oscar-nominated flick Norbit won a lot of razzies last night for worst acting, etc. I just don’t understand the Hollywood double standard.

Cosplay goes too far. Why do I get the feeling this is an all too typical occurrence in Japan? Personally, I would’ve dressed up as a giant robot or an elf myself.

I have nothing to report about monkeys.



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