Battle Of The iPhones
Posted on | March 15, 2008 at 7:19 pm | 3 Comments
Last night, the InfK family was in town, all the way from Australia, via of a stopover in Los Angeles first. N and I went to dinner with them at Las D. Topics of conversation were mostly about Australian health care (which, of course, is better than ours), and Mrs InfK’s new iPhone, which they had gotten just an hour or so before. Their’s is an unlocked one that will work in Australia.
So, along with comparing our iPhones, we had to do the usual simultaneous picture taking with the cameras in said devices:
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And here’s Fahey and Spike: | |
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As you can see, the pictures that the 2MP camera in the iPhone takes are not the best. I did have to photoshop them a little. They tend to look a bit washed out and blurry, though the later is probably because of my unsteady hand. Well, and there’s no flash either, which doesn’t help. Pretty typical camera phone. The nice thing is the way you can view the pictures you just took on the nice iPhone screen, and zoom in and all.
After eating our Mexican dinner, we retreated to the cafe next door and used their WiFi service while I drank a Mango Smoothie. Spike had a lot of fun playing with the computers and coming up with new biofuel formulations. We had a talk about Australian Spiders vs American Spiders, where InfK claimed that American ones can’t even break your skin when they bite you and so are as nothing compared to their ’stralian counterparts. But this morning, N and I were attacked by an American one that came flying out of a blanket that she pulled off the couch, and you can bet he would’ve sank his fangs into us if he had gotten close enough. But N trapped him and put him outside while I ran around like a frightened little girl.
Anyway, we had a great time with our friends from the other end of the world and hope they come back soon!
3 Responses to “Battle Of The iPhones”
March 15th, 2008 @ 9:47 pm
Is that your Steve Jobs imitation, with the black shirt and the sleeves pulled back?
March 16th, 2008 @ 10:54 pm
Steve wears shirts with the sleeves too short also?
March 22nd, 2008 @ 6:22 pm
it was fun! of course, my new baby is smarter than yours. mine is unlocked! so is my iPhone.
iFahey xxxx