
Life, Minutiae, Toys, Irrational Phobias, Peeves, Fiber

iPhone Tips

This is my first attempt at (mostly) composing and posting a blog entry from my iPhone. As such, I thought a good subject would be my personal tips for getting the most out of this wonderful toy.
Tip 1: When using the virtual keyboard, it’s best to have tiny fingers.
Tip 2: There’s a big difference between [...]


I was somehow inspired by Gil’s post about celebrating Easter as a child to reminisce about my time spent in Catholic school. Thankfully, it was only for two years: first and second grade. For third grade on, my parents sent me back to public school, which is also where I attended kindergarten. [...]

Bless These Crops

Ah… Easter. Easter’s a great holiday for non-believers, as long as you can get out of attending church services. It’s a lot like Thanksgiving… go somewhere, be with family, no gift-giving (except maybe some marshmallow peeps), eat a fabulous meal, maybe get a little drunk. Yeah, there’s no football on TV, but [...]

Where Do All The Codgers Go?

I found this article interesting: Music fans prefer Wikipedia to MySpace. No demographic information is given in the article, and I wonder if it breaks down along age lines at all. I must admit that I myself will usually go to Wikipedia to learn about a band before I go to the band [...]

Close But No Cigar

Good Friday? What’s so good about it? I still have to go to work, don’t I?
In the news yesterday: Apple’s Logo Makes You More Creative Than IBM’s. I like this part:
The professors Fitzsimons and Chartrand asked test subjects to come up with creative uses for a brick while showing them images [...]

Adams Mark

I was never much interested in History. I don’t even remember taking many history classes in school. All I remember is that the past bored me to tears, especially American history. As I get older, I’ve found that my tastes and interests are changing, and that I’m becoming more and more fascinated [...]

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