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Blogging?? I LOVE Blogging!

Posted on | June 30, 2008 at 8:42 pm | 1 Comment

Pet Peeve of the Day: By now, I’m sure everyone’s seen the “Chewing It Over” commercials for Twix candy bars, which feature guys in potentially embarrassing situations who take a moment to munch on candy before deciding what to say, thereby saving themselves. They’re like the old Mentos ads, except… y’know… coherent. The one that I keep seeing goes something like this:

Girl at party to guy at party: “All politicians are evil!”
Guy: “You said it!”
Girl: “Finally, someone who shares my struggle!”
Guy: “Right! Do you wanna go to my apartment?”
Girl (incredulously): “What kind of girl do you think I am?”
Guy munches on Twix bar and thinks it over, then dejectedly says: “I thought you were a believer, someone would who would want to blog about our ideals.”
Girl (happily): “Oh, blogging! I love blogging!”
Guy then leads girl out of apartment.

(You can watch this whole sorry scene on twix.com, as part of an interactive “choose your own adventure” Get The Girl game that then extends the scene out to it’s ultimate outcome. And becomes even more offensive.)

As I’m sure numerous bloggers have already pointed out:
1) Blogging is not the way to get girls. In fact, it’s something of a detriment.
2) Blogging is not a group activity, unless you’re Boing Boing or io9 or Wonkette or something like that, where a staff of writers contribute different posts.

As per the usual, it’s like the ad writers are latching on to some popular term or fad without really understanding it. Although who knows – maybe this gal does like going over to the apartments of strange men and composing blog entries with them throughout the night. “Change that sentence there. That should be its, not it’s.” Even though blogging really is a solitary activity perpetrated by lonely, degenerate freaks huddled up next to their computer screens for warmth, maybe “chain blogs” will catch on. You could have blog parties where each guest writes one sentence of a blog entry which must be loosely connected to the last sentence written by the previous guest. Alcohol is a must, and the blog entry isn’t considered publishable until someone writes “And then the Warlord swung in and killed everyone”. (Sorry, that’s an in-joke that only a few of my readers will get.) So, let’s get that trend started – everyone go out there, find someone off the street, and compose a blog entry with them. Bonus points if the two of you have differing political views or if the blogging session leads to sex.



One Response to “Blogging?? I LOVE Blogging!”

  1. Bill the Galactic Hero
    July 1st, 2008 @ 8:44 am

    “And then the Warlord swung in and killed everyone. ”
    But when swinging in he inadvertantly kicked the switch on the Fallman-Berkowitz machine activating it and filling the universe with mini black holes at 0.1mm spacing thus collapsing the time-space continuum and putting this story out of its misery.

    “(Sorry, that’s an in-joke that only a few of my readers will get.)”

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