
Life, Minutiae, Toys, Irrational Phobias, Peeves, Fiber

Great Googly Moogly

I’m finally acquiescing and allowing Google to take over my life. I recently became the last person I know to get a gmail account. (That address is the first three letters of my real first name, followed by my full last name, at gmail.com. If you send me e-mail, please use that [...]

Stream Of Art

There’s a really nice garden in the yard of a corner house that I pass by whenever I walk from work to the local 7-11. In this garden is the statue of a dog. And the statue is part of a fountain. I love what the owner did with it – see [...]

Fade To Black

I’m still trying to fully take in The Dark Knight. Here’s a few more (non-spoiler) points.

I forgot to mention in my original review that I saw the IMAX Presentation. Usually when a mainstream movie shows at IMAX, it’s not really in true IMAX format – there are “black bars” at the top of [...]

How Do You Get To Yankee Stadium?

A few months ago, I commented on how the character of Schroeder in Peanuts doesn’t make sense to me. He can’t be both a baseball player and a music geek. Lo and behold, the two sides of Schroeder definitely are at war, and one side has finally won (click to embiggen):

(Note these strips [...]

The Long Dark Soul Of The Night

I just saw a fun little comic book flick called The Dark Knight. It had this guy who dresses up like a bat and beats the snot out of people, and this other guy who dresses like a clown and kills people and spreads chaos. And another guy who… but that would be [...]

Eternal Sunshine Of The Hopeless Knight

It’s the return of Movie Review Sunday! Yippee!
Watched two Blu-Ray discs last night: one a purchase and one a rental.
The purchased one was Batman: Gotham Knight, an animated movie released to cash in on the theatrical release of The Dark Knight. It features six vignettes that tie into that movie somewhat (as a [...]

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