
Life, Minutiae, Toys, Irrational Phobias, Peeves, Fiber

The Cursed Commute

Posted on | August 11, 2008 at 7:22 pm | 11 Comments

It was a bad day on Sixth Avenue. First, a man committed suicide on the road in the wee hours of the morning. When I got up this morning, I saw on the news that the freeway was closed while they investigated. It reopened by the time I left for work, but then a horrendous crash that killed another person closed the highway again. The accident occurred right after Federal Blvd, and by the time I got down there, they were detouring all cars, including mine, off onto Federal. I could see the aftermath of the accident and it looked pretty bad. One car was practically demolished. There was another accident around the same time on Colfax Ave, where someone was also killed. That street was closed down for awhile. Earlier in the morning, there was another crash on Colfax that killed two people. The driver had been fleeing the scene of a hit and run accident. Wow. The traffic gods must’ve really been angered today.

On a lighter subject, how come no one has commented on the new header images yet? I’ve increased the number of random images at the top of the blog from 10 to 25. Most of the original 10 were from my 2007 trip to Pennsylvania and New Jersey. In the new 15, I’ve added a lot of Colorado shots, as well as a few from Mexico and from my 2008 trip to PA. All were from digital pix that I took, some as recently as last week. Keep hitting that refresh button if you want to see all of them!


Jogged Today: Yes (@ 62°F)
Songs That Came Up On The iPod While Jogging:

  • “Give Judy My Notice” (Ben Folds)
  • “One Way Street” (Spottiswoode & His Enemies)
  • “Canvas Of Life” (Minor Detail)
  • “All My Stars Aligned” (St. Vincent)
  • “Drained” (Michael Penn)
  • “Waiting for the Flood” (Love and Rockets)
  • “Epitaph” (Camel)

Pet Peeve of the Day: I’ve started getting a lot of calls from survey/research companies. I don’t stay on long enough to see what they’re about, but I’m sure it’s political polling. I really hate election season.

Poignant Search Term Of The Day That Led To This Blog: “how to make pants with duct tape”.


11 Responses to “The Cursed Commute”

  1. InfK
    August 11th, 2008 @ 7:35 pm

    > how come no one has commented on the new header images yet?

    I think we’re all still in shock from the road carnage and traffic accidents.

    (remember “…and traffic accidents”?)

  2. ifahey
    August 11th, 2008 @ 7:47 pm

    well, if there was photos of the carnage…

    me xxxx

  3. 2fs
    August 11th, 2008 @ 9:42 pm

    90% of the time I read this via RSS feed…so I don’t see the header images anyway.

    But here I am. They pretty.

  4. Bill the Galactic Hero
    August 12th, 2008 @ 9:16 am

    On a lighter subject, how come no one has commented on the new header images yet?

    Same answer as 2fs, I read the blog via RSS. You could adjust the feed to include one of the pictures :D

    I’ve started getting a lot of calls from survey/research companies. I don’t stay on long enough to see what they’re about, but I’m sure it’s political polling.

    Caller-ID. I never pick up any w/o a number, with the 000-000-0000 number or from 800 numbers. In fact I programmed my phone to auto-hangup many of these so I don’t even have to hear any rings beyond the first one.

  5. Bill the Galactic Hero
    August 12th, 2008 @ 9:18 am

    Darn…I used QUOTE tags in the post above, but they don’t cause any visible difference. First and third paragraphs are from our host’s post — second and fourth are my replies.

  6. Flasshe
    August 12th, 2008 @ 9:24 am

    I’ve fixed it – these comments take normal HTML, so you can just use “blockquote” and “/blockquote” in <>.

  7. Flasshe
    August 12th, 2008 @ 9:29 am

    But of course I just use italics/emphasis myself instead of blockquote…

    Same answer as 2fs, I read the blog via RSS.

    Strange that I keep forgetting that, even though RSS feeds is how I view everyone else’s blogs!

    You could adjust the feed to include one of the pictures

    I could if I knew how to do that… WordPress handles the RSS stuff automagically.

    Caller-ID. I never pick up any w/o a number, with the 000-000-0000 number or from 800 numbers.

    The problem I have is that these survey calls are coming from “unknown name/unknown number”, which is the same thing that happens when I get called from work (and from some of my co-workers’ cell phones), so I have to answer them. Yes, outgoing calls from work stupidly have Caller ID blocked.

  8. DMR
    August 12th, 2008 @ 1:22 pm

    Get rid of that creepy spider picture! OK, I’m not really afeared of spiders!

    Yeah, on the HTML. I’ve tried that a few times in the past, commenting here.

    I’ve missed out on the whole phenomenon of political survey calls. I took steps against both junk mail and unwanted calls years ago that have worked quite well.

  9. Zuzut
    August 12th, 2008 @ 2:27 pm

    I was just about to comment on what good pictures you have and how impressed I was to learn that they were pictures you had taken yourself when that scary picture of the chicken grilling popped up. How would you like it if I sent you a picture of buttons? Yikes!

  10. Flasshe
    August 12th, 2008 @ 2:36 pm

    But everybody likes barbecued chicken! Well, except those who don’t.

    Obviously you haven’t hit the motorcycle accident one yet…

  11. Bill the Galactic Hero
    August 13th, 2008 @ 10:25 am

    Thanks for fixing the earlier one. It’s obvious I don’t play with HTML much. I always forget the tags :D

    The problem I have is that these survey calls are coming from “unknown name/unknown number”, which is the same thing that happens when I get called from work (and from some of my co-workers’ cell phones), so I have to answer them. Yes, outgoing calls from work stupidly have Caller ID blocked.

    I only blocked the 000-000-0000 number. The blank CID ones ring through. When the answering machine picks up, people I actually want/need to talk to are clever enough to leave a message. If I’m actually there at the phone I pick it up and talk to them ;D Phone solicitors invariably hang up.

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