
Life, Minutiae, Toys, Irrational Phobias, Peeves, Fiber

Political Pastries

Posted on | August 23, 2008 at 11:10 am | 2 Comments

Obama Cupcakes (click to enlarge)As Denver prepares for the Democratic National Convention, anything goes. Everyone’s getting into the act! The erotic bakery near work is offering some confections promoting the candidate. I didn’t actually go into the bakery to check out the sweets. I was too afraid of what I might find there. Very afraid. Just how would Obama be depicted on these cupcakes? Hopefully it was just his name or his face. But I really, really didn’t want to know.

(FYI, there’s an accidental 4-second video clip of the sign that I posted here, which has been getting quite a few views!)

The New York Times did this “helpful” article about Denver for people attending the convention from out of town. It’s a caused a bit of an uproar here, especially since the only two restaurants it mentions are The Fort and Buckhorn Exchange. Good restaurants, true, but Denver cuisine is so much more than big slabs of beef. Food critic Jason Sheehan had an appropriate rebuttal, with some much better culinary suggestions, in his Westword column this week, including “the best sushi between L.A. and Manhattan”. The Onion also gets into the act with their Denver recommendations. Funny, and true, stuff.

But my favorite “Guide to Denver” piece is this one from Westword, which details the appearances of real Colorado landmarks in the TV show South Park. Essential reading for out-of-state South Park fans who never quite got all the Colorado in-jokes. Yes, Casa Bonita does exist, and it’s exactly like it was portrayed in the show.

Stayed tuned for more in-depth coverage of the DNC, coming to you semi-live here from FlasshePoint all next week. Or most of next week. Or however much I feel like talking about it. Frankly, if I do talk about it, it will all most likely be about how it is inconveniencing me personally. Though I am hoping for a celebrity sighting or two.


Pet Peeve of the Day: How the iPhone spell-corrected my “Latre” sign-off to “Later” when I posted my blog from it yesterday.

Poignant Search Term Of The Day That Led To This Blog: “hot checkers at safeway”. (Obviously they’re not looking for “fiber guy”. Besides, he’s just a bagger.)

Videogame(s) Played Yesterday: Heavenly Sword (PS3)


2 Responses to “Political Pastries”

  1. InfK
    August 23rd, 2008 @ 8:01 pm

    > the iPhone spell-corrected my “Latre” sign-off
    > to “Later” when I posted my blog from it yesterday.

    Well, we’ve all been too polite to say anything.

    Thanks for the funny Denver links though.

  2. yellojkt
    August 23rd, 2008 @ 11:43 pm

    You can get good sushi anywhere. I’ve only found elk on the menu at Buckhorn Exchange.

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