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DNC Report: Day 2

Posted on | August 27, 2008 at 6:07 am | Comments Off

Nothing happened yesterday that I witnessed. Oh, I did think Hillary’s speech was pretty good though.

*sob*So instead I want to talk about the third season finale of the Venture Brothers, which aired on Sunday night. Great stuff as always! [Major Spoiler Alert!] It was almost as action-packed as the first part of the finale last week, and featured an all-out donnybrook between the Monarch’s henchmen, O.S.I. agents, and naked Venture clones. However, in the ensuing chaos, one of my favorite characters was killed. And even though people have come back from the dead (or seeming dead) on this show, I don’t think it’s going to happen this time. Just thinking about it makes me tear up. Goodbye #24, we’ll miss you! Why, oh why, did it have to be you?? You thought you were invulnerable. We all did. But wow, that death was really final.

I was a little disappointed in the finale, since it didn’t really answer the big questions, which I posed in my last Venture-related post. I guess since they knew when they were making the third season that there was going to be a fourth season, Doc and Jackson decided to wait until the fourth to address the big issues. As one of the Adult Swim bumpers before the show said, “The fourth season will pick up the breadcrumbs left scattered by the third”. Things are definitely not in a good place for the characters now, so there’s certainly much to be resolved. Will Brock return to the family fold? Will the Monarch find new henchmen? Only time will tell.

But I don’t know if I’ll be able to watch it next season without the calming presence of #24, he of the “Ray Romano voice”. It’s just not right!


Videogame(s) Played Yesterday: Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin (DS)


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