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Someone To Watch DVDs With

Posted on | September 21, 2008 at 11:17 am | 7 Comments

Movie Review Sunday!

I Want Someone To Eat Cheese WithThough there’s some slight romance involved, and it’s a comedy, I Want Someone To Eat Cheese With can’t really be considered a romantic comedy. Thankfully. That makes it less predictable. The gf and I watched this one last night on DVD. It was directed by, was written by, and stars Jeff Garlin, best known as Larry David’s friend/manager/sidekick on Curb Your Enthusiasm. He plays James Aaron, a nearly-40 struggling actor in Chicago still living with his mom who hasn’t had sex in 5 years. There’s not much of a plot: 1) James wants a relationship, and 2) James thinks he should be starring in the Ernest Borgnine role of a remake of the 1955 Oscar-winning movie Marty. He’s having some really bad days. His girlfriend and his agent both dump him. He gets fired from his comedy gig at Second City. The coffee shop he and his friend frequent closes. He constantly worries about his weight and health, and yet eats unhealthily. Sarah Silverman shows up as an object of James’ affection, playing a nutjob character not too far removed from the one she plays on her own TV show. The movie does become more interesting when she’s around. Bonnie Hunt plays a teacher that James could potentially have a thing for.

It’s a pretty typical indie/slice of life movie, but it has a lot of good laughs in it. Not belly laughs – more like warm chuckles. It’s not very long and doesn’t get boring, even though there’s a lot of walking around and talking. Some of the scenes have a sort of improv quality to them, and I wonder how much of a script there was. It also looked like it was basically filmed using Garlin’s acting/comedy friends, but that’s not a bad thing. He has some talented friends. I would enjoy seeing some more films written and directed by him.


Poignant Search Term Of The Day That Led To This Blog: “messed up my eyes wearing reading glasses all the time”.


7 Responses to “Someone To Watch DVDs With”

  1. Lisa
    September 21st, 2008 @ 1:04 pm

    I’m getting really concerned that you aren’t watching enough movies where they blow stuff up.

  2. 2fs
    September 21st, 2008 @ 4:28 pm

    I’d have to say: how does he know his mom hasn’t had sex in five years? That would fall under the category of parental oversharing.

  3. Flasshe
    September 21st, 2008 @ 6:50 pm

    I’m getting really concerned that you aren’t watching enough movies where they blow stuff up.

    I plan to rectify that soon.

  4. Flasshe
    September 21st, 2008 @ 6:50 pm

    I’d have to say: how does he know his mom hasn’t had sex in five years? That would fall under the category of parental oversharing.

    I really hate you English professors. Damn, since you commented on it, I have to leave it up that way.

  5. 2fs
    September 21st, 2008 @ 9:51 pm

    Feel free, Flasshe, to use that premise in a sort of “40-Year-Old Virgin meets Psycho meets Harold & Maude” screenplay, by the way. Glenn Richmond is a nice boy who runs a laundromat and collects postage stamps, but ever since his mother divorced his dad and moved in with him, his life has been a nightmare. Mom’s horny as hell, you see, and Glenn can’t bring a friend over without Mom hitting on the friend in embarrassing ways. That is, if Glenn had any friends – Glenn being so shy and socially inept, it’s doubtful he has any actual friends. (Mom’s always *asking* him to bring over any male friends, and one time a drunken cow-orker of Glenn’s dropped him off, only to see Mom displaying herself in the house’s living-room bay window while wearing nothing but an open houserobe…) I think Neil Patrick Harris and Anjelica Huston…

  6. InfK
    September 21st, 2008 @ 11:26 pm

    I heard Jeff Garlin likes pudding.

  7. Flasshe
    September 21st, 2008 @ 11:30 pm

    I heard Jeff Garlin likes pudding.

    Rice pudding.

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