
Life, Minutiae, Toys, Irrational Phobias, Peeves, Fiber

The inPhonite Migration: eBooks

Sorry, I’ve been under the weather lately with a cold ever since I got back from our Estes Park vacation. It’s not that bad, but I have very little energy. Haven’t even been to the gym. And I haven’t felt at all like blogging. Except about ash trays and urinals.
Longtime readers [...]

Gone To Westeros

Last day of vacation. Boo hoo!
Some interesting news lately out of Hollywood on the progress of two highly anticipated (by me anyway) possible future HBO shows. Since both of these projects were first announced, there’s been a regime change at HBO which made it look unlikely (according to some people) that either project [...]

Vacation Debriefing

Things I learned on my Pennsylvania trip last week, that I didn’t learn from my trip last year:
Pennsylvania has strange beer laws. You can’t buy beer in grocery stores or liquor stores (!), but you can buy it at convenience stores and “beer distributors”. Also, I think you can buy six packs in [...]

Trojan Lore

Back when I was on the Cancun vacation, I finally finished reading the novel Olympos by Dan Simmons, after a few false starts and a couple of years. Since I read very few books at all these day, that was a major accomplishment. It’s a large book. Olympos is the sequel (actually [...]

Reading Is Fun With Metal

I’m still recovering from vacation and trying to catch up on stuff around the house, so this is going to be short. I mentioned in this post that an additional problem with ebooks, or at least with the way I read ebooks from my Palm T|X PDA, is that the screen is not really [...]

Relative Bandwagons

Reportedly, publisher Penguin is now saying they are going to be releasing their books in ebook format as well as the regular paperly kind. I found out about this from this post, which amusingly mentions “the ebook bandwagon”.
When we were discussing this several months ago, I thought the whole ebook thing was essentially dead [...]

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