
Life, Minutiae, Toys, Irrational Phobias, Peeves, Fiber


There’s an interesting article in Next American City about the changing face of the suburbs. It’s particularly relevant to me as it uses my town Lakewood as an example of a new type of city coined a “Cosmoburb”, which means “wealthy suburbs that are also diverse and that increasingly contain non-traditional households”. The [...]

Black Mountain

Some days I wonder if I’m going to have anything to write about. This was going to be one of those days, but then it all changed around 1pm. Some days I wish I didn’t have anything to write about…
Green Mountain, the foothill that my neighborhood is named after, suffered a scary, fast-moving [...]

Indignant Again!

Pet Peeve of the Day: Filth. Everyone knows I’m no prude. But I do rail against inappropriate images in our media that children and other sensitive types may be inadvertently exposed to. I was aghast, aghast I tell you, when I opened up today’s Rocky Mountain News, and there on the cover of [...]

A Peppy Little Red And Blue Stew

I know you all come to FlasshePoint for the very best in insightful political coverage and commentary. In this election year, it’s the one place you can go to for the latest poop scoop. And since the Democratic National Convention is going to be held here next month, you can be sure that [...]

Butts Sitting On Cedars

Sorry, I missed this one when it was timely, but the original seats at Red Rocks Amphitheater were recently auctioned off. Those redwood bench seats have seen a lot of action in 60 years. Really, I’m surprised they lasted that long. Last time I saw them was back in September, and they [...]

Stream Of Art

There’s a really nice garden in the yard of a corner house that I pass by whenever I walk from work to the local 7-11. In this garden is the statue of a dog. And the statue is part of a fountain. I love what the owner did with it – see [...]

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