
Life, Minutiae, Toys, Irrational Phobias, Peeves, Fiber

Bin There, Doing That

Another way in which N has changed my lifestyle, besides all the food things I mentioned earlier, is that I am now more green than I used to be. Oh, I think I was always pretty good with conserving and recycling, but she is more dedicated than I am.
For a long time, I paid [...]

Anointed, Blazing Red

I hope everyone had a good fireworks-watching night last night. We were able to walk about a mile from the house and get a good view of a major fireworks display about two miles from there. How did fireworks become associated with Independence Day? No doubt Will Smith had something to do [...]

A Bygone Era Lives

Pet Peeve of the Day: This week, I got a huge 900-page JC Penney catalog in the mail:

In this day and age, why do they even make and send out these things?? It’s much easier to shop on the Internet and not deal with these tree-eating monsters. The thing is just going right into [...]

Zan Forms An Ice Crumb

What’s the big deal about there being ice on Mars? It’s not like we don’t have enough water and ice here on Earth (3/4ths of the world is covered with it!). Call me back when they’ve found dinosaurs or my missing Major Matt Mason dolls. I just hope they engineered that Phoenix [...]

Fear Asphalt, End Truth, Make Back Love

You can find out a lot of interesting things from Jonathan Coulton. That’s where I ran across Wordle. So of course, I had to try it out myself (click for the big version – must enable Java applets in browser to view):

Following JoCo’s lead, I took the lyrics from our Reign of Frogs [...]


The “What Happens In Vegas Stays In Vegas” tagline has generated scads of publicity (and a hit movie!) for America’s Sin City. I think every city in America should have a “What Happens” slogan. Let’s start with Colorado. This is especially important since Denver will be in the national spotlight in a [...]

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