
Life, Minutiae, Toys, Irrational Phobias, Peeves, Fiber

How Shall I Spend Thee?

I’m trying to decide how I’m going to spend my “economic stimulus” tax rebate check. (Remember, according to our Prez, you can’t save it – you must spend it!) Here’s some ideas I’ve been kicking around:

Buy 480 more headphone adapters for my iPhone. Those little buggers wear out fast.
Buy every merchandising tie-in [...]

Keeping Tabs On The Tabloids

Our local alternative weekly (alternative to what? aren’t all weekly tabloids about the same? maybe they should be called “liberal weeklies”?) Westword underwent a dramatic size reduction starting with this week’s issue. Instead of the standard tabloid size of 10.5″ wide by 13.25″ tall, it’s now only 12″ tall:

Now it’s practically swimming [...]

Brainwashing Through Confections

You can sure tell that the Beijing Olympics are almost here. This is what I found in my Pad Thai fortune cookie the other night:

You Can Depend On The Trust Of The Collective. Wow, they’re really trying to get at the hearts and minds of Americans. No better way to do it [...]

The Unbearable Lightness Of Coke

One additional bit of infamation about the Mexico trip. I noticed that they don’t have Diet Coke down there. Instead, it’s called “Coca-Cola Light”. Similarly, there’s “Pepsi Light” instead of “Diet Pepsi”.
I’m not sure how the formulation is difference, except perhaps that there are more Cyclamates, but the Coke Light tasted way [...]


It’s time for a new “fortune cookie game”, and I’m the one who’s going to start it. This is my one shot at being a big Internet superstar, maybe even bigger than Dramatic Gopher, and I’m going to take it. Please spread this far and wide.
Yeah, adding “…in bed” to the end of [...]

An Incomplete Guide To Kayaking: Part 1

This is a continuation of my series of blog entries on the Dutch progressive rock band Kayak.
Phase 1: The Prog Years (1973-1974)
See See The Sun
Kayak (II)
Kayak’s first album See See The Sun came out in 1973. Like it’s 1974 followup, Kayak (aka Kayak II), it’s pretty much a pure prog affair, though most of [...]

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