
Life, Minutiae, Toys, Irrational Phobias, Peeves, Fiber

March In Colorado

Looks like we’re getting our first big snowstorm of the month today. March is typically the snowiest month in this area. The good thing is that since it usually warms up pretty fast after the storm, the snow melts faster than it does in the dead of winter. The bad thing is [...]

Battle Of The iPhones

Last night, the InfK family was in town, all the way from Australia, via of a stopover in Los Angeles first. N and I went to dinner with them at Las D. Topics of conversation were mostly about Australian health care (which, of course, is better than ours), and Mrs InfK’s new iPhone, [...]

You Should See How Much The Biscuits Cost

This is for all you KFC Famous Bowl Haters out there. Apparently there are a lot of you, and I don’t just mean Patton Oswalt and his “fans”.
Here, take this (visuals shown are representational):

Yes, there are some places where the KFC Famous Bowl (especially the new BBQ flavor) is such a precious commodity that [...]

UnSuper Humility

This morning, I was watching the series finale of The Batman, which is a much weaker cartoon than the old Batman: The Animated Series. So I’m not surprised it didn’t last as long. Anyway, this one hour finale was a Justice League-centric episode and had a bunch of the JLA heroes, including Superman. [...]

May I Swab Your Cheek?

In the Rite Aid circular in the Sunday paper today, there was an ad for a DNA Paternity Test Kit, on sale for $19.99. Home DNA Testing! That’s just what America needs! Find out who your baby daddy is without leaving the comfort of your home! Just be sure that he [...]

Under Prezzure

Back in this entry, I complained about how my Prius was getting far worse gas mileage since I got it back from the body shop following the bus accident. It was barely better than a non-hybrid. Loyal commenter and fellow Prius owner dgstan suggested checking the tire pressure, saying the body shop may have [...]

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