
Life, Minutiae, Toys, Irrational Phobias, Peeves, Fiber

Chicken Rock Paper Scissors

My Oscar wrap-up will have to wait, I guess. We got back from dining a bit late last night and only managed to watch the first couple of hours of the Academy Awards before we got just plain tuckered out. We’ll watch the rest in a few days. It’s impossible to avoid [...]

Beeps Or Electric Shocks?

I stayed up too late last night playing with my PS3 (especially Heavenly Sword, which is beautiful). Very tired today even though I’ve got tax-related stuff to do.
In the news today:
The U.S. is ready to go live with a “virtual fence” on the border with Mexico, in the hopes of curbing some illegal immigration. [...]

Skyrockets In Flight

Apparently, the US Navy is going to try to shoot down that wayward satellite tomorrow night. It’s the start of Star Wars! Let’s at least hope the shuttle Atlantis is down by then.
I got nothin’…
Jogged Today: Yes (@ 29°F)
Songs That Came Up On The iPod While Jogging:

“Don’t Be Shy” (The Libertines)
“X-Ray Eyes” (Blue [...]


I got nothin’. Didn’t even jog today because of some lingering ice/snow on the ground, so no iPod songs to post.
Okay, I do have one thing to say. Remember how last Friday I talked about the Thundersnow we got? There’s actually a Wikipedia article about this rare phenomenon, that already mentions our [...]

I Don’t Like Mondays

Edds and Onds:

As I figured would happen, I didn’t win anything in the SuperBowl pool. And I have mixed feelings about the Giants winning; although maybe I just didn’t care that much. Didn’t even pay much attention to the game until the 4th quarter, and I didn’t even see many of the commercials. [...]

Sunday’s KFC SuperBowl

Load up! My prediction for the SuperBowl: Pats 35, Giants 28. Which would also mean I won the pool. Don’t you just hate “5″s? 5’s are the bane of football pools. 8s aren’t too good either. Where’s my 7 and 0?
One additional observation about the Philips earhook headphones I wrote [...]

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