
Life, Minutiae, Toys, Irrational Phobias, Peeves, Fiber

Keynesian Economics

I got nothin’ to talk about today.
The writers’ strike drags on. Heath Ledger dies right before what is surely to be his most awesome performance is released. Spy satellites are falling out of the sky. Britney has “mental issues”. And I don’t even want to know what the President said in his [...]

Album Cover Meme

I’m not usually into the meme thing, but I thought this one was pretty fun. I found about it through the courtesy of yellojkt over at Foma*, so go check there for the explanation and rules.
Here’s what I came up with (click to embiggen):
(Note: I have removed my photoshopped image because of the copyright [...]

Bloggin’ It Old School

This evening I dug out my old college journal, pretentiously titled The Journal of Gaudium Paine, which was supposed to mean The Journal of Joy and Pain. I had been wanting to uncover it for a long time, with the hopes of maybe occasionally publishing an entry or two from it on this blog [...]

Beware Of Falling Boulders

Pet Peeve of the Day: When movies try to hit you over the head with their settings. Last night, the gf and I watched Catch and Release, a character-driven movie about a young woman played by Jennifer Garner whose fiancé dies in some un-detailed sporting accident before the movie even starts, and how she [...]

That’s Why They Call It Licentiousness

It snowed again today. It took me nearly an hour and a half to drive home from work in my Chevy Cobalt rental car. I’m still getting no satisfaction on my iPod issues (see yesterday’s post) and now I’m getting Dolby Digital audio dropouts when watching HDTV, which could be a problem with [...]

All Food Flows From Tom Brady

We took a trip this afternoon to Johnny’s NY Pizza & Pasta in Wheat Ridge, since they were offering a free pizza to anyone who showed up between 11 and 6. It was good. The reason they were doing this is because they said they would if any NFL team went 16-0 this [...]

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