
Life, Minutiae, Toys, Irrational Phobias, Peeves, Fiber

Blatant Hucksterism In My Edible Prophesy Containers

Happy New Year!
And what do we do with a new year? We make prophecies about it. So let’s go to the Fortune Cookie, shall we? Here’s the one I got yesterday from Pad Thai:

Let’s take this one line at a time:
Cooking is easy.
Debatable. I went through my cooking phase, and yes, [...]

Zeus, Redefined

I’ve closed off the God Poll. I figure everyone who was going to vote has done so by now. The results were spread out pretty evenly. Out of a total of 18 responses, they fell like this:
Which answer below most closely matches your beliefs about the existence of a supreme intelligence?

(4 votes, [...]

Gracie in Greeley

Cell phone post! Haven’t tried one of these in a while. Merry Christmas Eve from wonderful smelly Greeley! This is my sister’s dog Gracie – she’s some mutant breed. Have a good one! Latre.

‘Tis The Season For… What?

Pet Peeve of the Day: A certain religious family member, whom I will not mention by name, asked me a question via e-mail a little while ago when I put The Portable Atheist on my Christmas list. The question was “Just wondering – If you’re an athiest [sic] who claims not to believe in [...]

All You Need Is Green

A few weeks ago, the Summervillain posted about how he saw a hybrid cab in his fair city, and what a great idea they were. I replied that on the same day, I had seen my first hybrid cab in Denver. Today I was able to snap a pic of one these non-elusive [...]

Cats And Other Pussies

Ho hum, diddle dee yeah. It’s Saturday and no one’s reading anyway. I can post something of even less substance than normal. It’s time to look at the news again.
I need to point out this NY Times article for those who have not yet seen it, especially my numerous cat-loving readers: Your [...]

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