
Life, Minutiae, Toys, Irrational Phobias, Peeves, Fiber

Changing Demographics

Periodically, I like to talk about search phrases that bring people to this blog, especially when I run out of other things to talk about. The last time I did this was back at the beginning of November. At that point, the clear winner, as it has been for some time, was the [...]

Lights And Statues In The Cold Night

Wow, I can’t believe I’m actually getting out and doing traditional holiday things. Miss N and I attended a private party at the Denver Botanic Gardens tonight. They have a couple of events / exhibits going on right now, the foremost being the awesome Blossoms Of Light: One million lights draped on [...]


Tip for aspiring daily blogists: Too tired and busy to blog? Yet you want to keep that streak going? Why not post an entry talking about that? Or maybe post a picture that you recently took! Or continue to do filler material like petty complaints or what you ate the day before. [...]

The Eye Of The Devil Winks At Thee

Here’s proof that I go through life oblivious. (Also proof that I can write a blog entry about anything.) I’ll suddenly notice something for the first time that I’ve never ever noticed before, and yet has been around for years. Case in point:
Yesterday I was driving to work and was “stuck” behind [...]

I Almost Bought Some Red Bull Last Night

I’ve never had any Red Bull, and I saw some at Safeway last night, so I almost bought a 4-pack just to see what all the fuss is about. But damn, that crap’s expensive! Even on sale it was expensive. So the risk avoidance part of me won out and I passed [...]

Where Did All The Counters Go?

Remember back to the dawn of the Internet age, when we were all just discovering the World Wide Web? We all put up our little websites, usually on a minimal amount of space provided to us by our ISPs. And we all had “hitcounters” on our sites. Those were the numbers that [...]

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