
Life, Minutiae, Toys, Irrational Phobias, Peeves, Fiber

Dark Holiday Mood

According to several articles like this one, Americans are in a dark holiday mood this year. Fellow Americans, what’s wrong with you? I don’t know about Americans in general, but I know my mood is pretty grim. Going to two funerals of two good friends within one month will do that to you. [...]

Vegetarian NaBloPoMo Obligation Post

Sorry, no time for chat! Shalini and Mitch are in town for the Denver Film Festival and I’ve got places to be (I’ve got the day off from work). We had a lovely dinner at Rioja last night. I’m looking forward to seeing some interesting films today & tomorrow and hopefully reporting back [...]

When Is A Law Not A Law?

It occurs to me I didn’t say anything about the elections this week. There’s not much to say. My local city had a contentious mayor’s race for once. We barely escaped having a teenage mayor. Okay, so she isn’t actually a teenager, but she’s damn close (26). She was basically running [...]

Reach Out and Grope Someone

Got this from InfK a few days ago:
Speaking of alternate channels of communication, let me suggest a blog post topic for your next slow-news-day – how do folks keep in touch these days? For years, amongst my peeps, “everyone” was on AoL-IM (and to an extent, the Usenet newsgroup that bound us all together). [...]

This Is Not My Beautiful Blog

Now for another session of my favorite game, “How did you get here?” I love to look at the logs and see what search terms unknown surfers used to find my site. This is also a great NaBloPoMo filler post – easy to write and it satiates the appetite.
Infuriatingly, the #1 search term continues [...]

The Graham Parker’s Too Short

Day 4 of NaBloPoMo at Chez FlasshePoint today, and what a lazy day it was. The gf and I didn’t do much. I couldn’t even be bothered to do the blog entry until now. I probably should’ve raked some more leaves, like I did last weekend, but I got most of the [...]

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