
Life, Minutiae, Toys, Irrational Phobias, Peeves, Fiber

Up Against The Foothills

It’s a beautiful morning here, if a bit nippy. I took this pic about 8am this morning while jogging. Love that blue Colorado sky.
Day 3 of NaBloPoMo, but it’s Day 5 of continuous daily posts for me. I have nothing to say. I like to save the more content-heavy posts for [...]

Pointless Goals and Sugared-Up Ghouls

Just yesterday, I heard about NaBloPoMo (through Foma*), National Blog Posting Month. The goal is to post daily for the whole month of November. I figure this is one goal I can achieve, so I signed up. Heck, I did a complete daily posting run in September of this year, and also had a [...]

20/20 Hindsight

Egrets, I’ve ate a few. But then again, too few to mention.
Ha! I kid. A bit of levity before I dive into a serious subject. Y’know, there’s a lot I think I’ve done right in my life. I’m glad I bought a house when I did, for example, even though it [...]

Change Can Be Terrifying But Functional

So I think I’m going to stick with this new “Cutline 3 columns split 11″ WordPress theme for awhile and we’ll see how it goes. It seems to be a pretty popular one these days, and I do appreciate the look and ability to easily customize it. Dig the random header photo images. [...]

Upgrading Again

I’m trying out a new WordPress theme or two here, so don’t get too freaked out. But, as usual, do let me know if there are problems posting comments or if something looks too weird or whatever.
Things I accomplished today besides playing around with WordPress:

On-Call duties.
Re-did my PC backup jobs to take the new [...]

As The World Turns

Too tired to blog…
But let me just say this about the news this week… OJ Simpson? Britney Spears? What is this, the late 90s? Thank God for Google Earth satellites (which can photograph the angel on the head of a pin) and the genetic disposition for loneliness/sickness.
Pet Peeve Of The Day: The 24-hour [...]

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