
Life, Minutiae, Toys, Irrational Phobias, Peeves, Fiber

Hey Stan, What About Duct Tape Pants Man?

It’s probably not in good taste (or good karma) to make fun of homeless people, but damn, there was this guy that N and I saw at Taco Bell the other night that just invites comment. I wish I had thought to at least take a cell phone photo of the guy, but it [...]

Summer Of Upgrades, Four

I’m currently upgrading the site to the latest version of WordPress. Please forgive any weirdness for the next day or so…
Update: The WordPress upgrade seems to be working so far. Please report any lingering weirdnesses or problems entering comments or whatever. Thanks.

No Belfry

So last night just after dusk, I was out on the back deck grillin’ up some pre-Labor Day chicken and corn on the cob for me and the lady. I heard a weird clicking noise in the tree, which didn’t sound like a bird or an insect. I brought N out to come [...]

22-Foot Armless Jesus

No, it’s not a new band name. Not sure if this made the national news or not, but the Jesus statue at the Mother Carbrini shrine (about a 20 minute drive from my place) was heavily damaged by a lightning strike last weekend. Suddenly, I think I’m believing in God again, but he’s [...]

Overheard At Work

Co-Worker 1, who just got back from vacation: “There was an Ikea next to the hotel, and I ate breakfast there three days.”
Co-Worker 2: “Did you have to make it yourself?”

Everything’s Gone (Curious) Yellow

I have these huge light fixture globes in my kitchen, hanging from the vaulted ceiling. It’s difficult to change the bulbs in them. I’ve been using 150 watt incandescent bulbs. I like a lot of light, especially since the Lasik. Makes it easier to read. The incandescent bulbs burn out [...]

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