
Life, Minutiae, Toys, Irrational Phobias, Peeves, Fiber

What Pulp Means To Me

When creativity and ideas for a daily blog entry run dry, there’s always the Random Word Generator.
Your Random Word Is: Pulp
1) I do not like pulp in orange juice. Not even light pulp. That’s probably the reason I never drank much of it as a kid. I kept wondering what it [...]

Kolachi Wa

I likes me my food. When I find something good, I stick with it. I’m not big on variety. Two of my current obsessions on the restaurant scene are two localized mini-chains.
First up is Tokyo Joe’s (nsfw warning: music plays automatically on web page). Like fellow “fast-casual” eatery Chipotle (which I [...]

Stamps Dot Con

This morning I had some bill payments and a LaLa trade to snail mail, so I stopped at the Post Office on my way to work. I went inside because I’m almost out of stamps and needed to get some. N said she saw on the news yesterday that the PO was definitely [...]

A Modest Proposal

The Chinese are fighting Internet addiction among the young the only way they know how: Boot Camp!
This is marvelous idea which I think should be extended to teens in this country. And why stop at Internet addiction? This could also be used to cure other teenage ailments, like Excessive Piercing And Tattooing, Wearing [...]

In Bed

Lookie at what Pilto got in his Pad Thai fortune cookie yesterday:

Since his wife reads this blog, she probably has something to say about that…
The fortunes keep getting weirder and weirder. Very few actually form complete sentences. For a couple of weeks in a row, Pilto kept getting one that said (pretty much) [...]

Too Cold For That

This is not me.
People have to pay me to see that.

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