
Life, Minutiae, Toys, Irrational Phobias, Peeves, Fiber

A Week Of Eating Deliciously

As part of Denver Restaurant Week (Feb 24 – Mar 2), the gf and I ate at Rioja last night. DRW is a good deal. You can eat at any of the 150 participating restaurants for $52.80 for two people (or $26.40 for one). (5280 miles is the elevation of Denver – [...]

Forever Making Movies

In The News…
The Post Office is thinking of making a “Forever Stamp”, a stamp that you can always use for first class despite future rate hikes. Stock up now! What I really want to see is the US Treasury come up with a “Forever Dollar”, a dollar bill that will hold its value [...]

Freeing Up Space For Pocket Pool

In yesterday’s entry, I alluded that I had undergone a wallet simplification process. This was brought on partly by the fact that if I was going to be carrying the PDA around with me so much, I would need to lighten the load in other areas. But I also was just sick of
carrying [...]

Alli Wanna Do Is Lose Weight And Not Leak

Yesterday I read about this new prescription diet pill called alli (generic name “orlistat”) in the Rocky Mountain News. As the columnist mentioned, who in their right mind would want to be on this drug? In order to take it and not have to wear adult diapers at all times, you must maintain [...]

Seeing The World Through New Eyes

Ah, Valentine’s Day! Is there a more perfect holiday? It’s a day when peace reigns all over the world and everyone comes together in a shower of love and respect. Hearts and flowers are everywhere. The color red is more abundant than at a Republican convention. Dewey-eyed couples hold hands [...]

Our Bunnies Are Hardcore

The sister-in-law of my old friend/co-worker Pilto (frequently mentioned in these pages), took a video outside of her office in Broomfield of a rabbit climbing a tree. It was shown on the local Denver NBC news affliate, and from there it spread across the country. Here is one link where you can see [...]

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