
Life, Minutiae, Toys, Irrational Phobias, Peeves, Fiber

Mystery Appetizer

Weekly Thursday Lunch today at Pad Thai:
DMR (eyeing suspicious looking small dark brown nugget nestling close to the mini eggroll on his appetizer plate): “What do you suppose this is?”
Pilto (after consuming his own nugget): “It appears to be a piece of deep-fried gristle.”
And, y’know, I think he was right. But we strangely didn’t [...]

Forgetting How To Wipe

I forgot to mention two additional smile items in yesterday’s post:
1) On Monday night, I got to see the Colorado Rockies totally clobber the San Francisco Giants at Coors Field, 20 runs to 8. It could very well be the only time I’ve seen the Rockies win in person, and having it be such [...]

Stains On A Plate

My friends Sue and Joe are going to see the premiere of Snakes On A Plane on Thursday night. I’ve been looking forward to it also, though I don’t know if I’ll be crazy (or awake) enough to see a first showing. The Hype Machine has certainly kicked into overtime on this one. [...]


We interrupt this list of summer entertainment distractions to reveal an epiphany I had today. I know I’m opening myself up to ridicule on this one, not to mention cries of “too much information”, but what the hey. I’m amazed that at 45 years old, I’m still learning things. So, what did [...]

For Those Without Common Sense

My lack of blog updates lately has absolutely nothing to do with this video that I had to view at work (especially since I just viewed it today). Hey, you gotta admire the acting in this. Reminds me of those fake PSA spots they do on Reno 911. This is apparently the [...]

Where There’s Not Smoke

This past Saturday, the Colorado indoor public smoking ban went into effect at last. Ah, glorious, glorious smoking ban. Yeah, as I blogged before, I’m not all that sure that this restriction of civil liberties is a good thing. But hot damn, it’s been so nice to go into bars and restaurants and [...]

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