
Life, Minutiae, Toys, Irrational Phobias, Peeves, Fiber

The Misuse Of Digital Cameras

Time for my weekly blog entry…
Experimental as it is, this is one of my favorite photos that I took at the Renaissance Festival this weekend. I attended Kelli and Jim’s wedding there; it was pretty cool. I took a lot of pictures of both the wedding and the festival. Like the Columbus [...]

Alien Probes

I took this picture from a moving car on the highway. These are trucks parked in front of the speedway. There were many more just like them off to the right, all with those cherry pickers or whatever pointing to the sky. Someone please tell me what they are!

Nature Is Weird

So I fired up my grill for the first time this year, with the intention of burning a Memorial Day Steak for myself. Once the fire got going, I noticed an unusual looking blob stuck to the inside of the grill lid. It looked like a bunch of shiny nails that someone had [...]

Consumer Alert!

We interrupt this blog…
I don’t usually like to shill for commercial ventures, but this is too cool to not pass along. Threadless.com, whom I raved about in this post, is having a summer sale through the end of the week: all T-shirts $10 each. Great bargain for some cool shirts. Look at [...]

But They Don’t Need Cooking Sleeves Anymore

Frequent blog commentar InfK was town in this week from the land of lost angels. He’s a big-time standup comedy buff, so we had arranged to take in Jim Gaffigan’s show at the Paramount on Friday night. I wasn’t all that familiar with Gaffigan’s standup act, though I had seen him around on [...]

All Hail Spring!

We had the first hailstorm of the year today. It wasn’t much, but it is a sign of things to come. View the large version to actually see the hail.
I’ve spent the weekend getting things done that I’ve been meaning to do around the house for awhile. Or, actually, around the computer. [...]

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