
Life, Minutiae, Toys, Irrational Phobias, Peeves, Fiber

Here Comes Peter DevilEyes…

…hoppin’ down the Demon Trail. Yes, kids, the Easter Bunny has been taken over by a tenth level demon. He has already devoured the Tooth Fairy, and next he wants your easter candy. And he’ll do anything to get it.
(We’ve got lots of little bunnies scampering around the area outside of our office. This is [...]

Attention Suburban Panhandlers

You’re probably not going to get any donations by camping out near the exit to a big box store parking lot, especially when there is no stoplight at that exit and drivers leaving the parking lot are entirely focused on watching for a break in the cross traffic and trying to make a speedy right [...]

V For Viceroy

Sorry for all the cell phone photo postings yesterday. As I mentioned, I was experimenting with new ways to post and I got carried away. I will try to be more judicious about such things in the future.
I think yesterday may have been the first April Fool’s Day ever where I didn’t play [...]

Hugh-Man Explains It All

Hugh expounds while Ray listens enthralled at Las Delicias.

Rainy AFD

It’s starting to rain a bit here…

Metapost: Watch Out For Weird

Apologies if you stumble onto some unreadable or contentless test posts in these here parts. I’m experimenting with some new ways of posting.
Hey, at least I’m not drinking Guiness and eating sushi while pregnant.

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