
Life, Minutiae, Toys, Irrational Phobias, Peeves, Fiber


Well, either no one got my little puzzle in the last blog entry, or didn’t comment about it if they did. It was meant to be somewhat literal, not existential. If you take the last word from every sentence, you’ll see the message that I was going on a little vacation trip and [...]


Ah… life is a puzzle sometimes, thinks I. I am what I am. But where is this life going? What plane of existence am I really on? Is life a job or a vacation? What am I waiting for? Certainly there is a hint somewhere of what comes next. [...]

Ah Well…

That’s the way the football rolls…

Clarity From The Skies

Hi, it’s been awhile. How do you do? How have you been? The Blogging Well has run a bit dry here at FlasshePoint, plus I’ve been kinda busy. And just waiting around for something interesting to happen to me. Wait… is that it…? Nope, only a particularly loud burp.
Still no [...]

Co-Worker Lunch Proclamation

(During a politcal discussion)
“I want to be ruled by ruthless uncorruptable robots.”

The Magic Clock

Prepare to have your minds blown, gentle readers. Not since the Saga of the Missing Forks have we here at FlasshePoint encountered a household mystery so tantalizing that this blog deserves a Google PageRank of 6 (instead of the measly 4 that it is). Here now, I present the Mystery of the Magic [...]

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