
Life, Minutiae, Toys, Irrational Phobias, Peeves, Fiber

The Dangers Of Suburbia

I bet you wish you had a sign like this in your neighborhood!


If You Seed What I Seed

Pomegranates are all the rage these days. It’s true! This article says so. Gosh, I haven’t eaten these things since I was a teenager. I remember really liking them, but not getting them that often because of the time and cleanup commitment. They are messy, unforgivable fruits that require [...]

It’s Thursday – Make Me Cry!

What if there were some sort of publishing model where anyone could write a daily / weekly / whatever entry, say whatever they wanted to say with no professional editing at all, and have it distributed to and read by a large group of people in their local (or global!) community? Well, let me [...]

So Not On That Fourth Pack Of Sudafed?

Got this coupon at Safeway the other day. But I guess I can’t use it on my weekly cocaine purchases there:

(For those who don’t get the reference in the title, it’s illegal in Colorado to buy more than three packs of over-the-counter medications containing pseudoephedrine, which is used to manufacture methamphetamines, at one time.)

Metapost: RSS address change?

For some reason, I think the addresses of my RSS feeds have changed. The new RSS feed URLs are http://www.flasshe.com/feed (entries) and http://www.flasshe.com/comments/feed (comments). I don’t understand why, since I haven’t updated any of the backend. So if someone could explain it to me, I’d appreciate it. It appears that the [...]

Nip/Tuck This!

A female co-worker pointed this out to me today. The following picture is from an ad for a plastic surgeon in our local daily paper. Apparently, it’s “after” and “before” a Tummy Tuck operation. Look at the “before” picture on the right. What does that look like to you?

Yeah, [...]

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