
Life, Minutiae, Toys, Irrational Phobias, Peeves, Fiber

Stay on Message, Luke

So… how do the Democrats intend to unseat the Republicans and gain back the trust and favor of the American people? Is it by doing something about the health care crisis? Protesting an unwinnable war? Maybe by defending science and reversing the dumbing down of Americans? By combatting an administration in [...]

Spicy Redefined

I don’t understand the concept of Spicy Brown Mustard. It doesn’t seem any spicier to me than normal mustard. It doesn’t seem spicy at all. Maybe my palate is just so used to spicy food that it takes a lot of heat to activate my Spicy Sense. Oh well, it doesn’t [...]

Nose-Cutting, Face-Spiting

I don’t often wade into political/religious waters, but this is very important to me…
I was happy to read this week that a Vatican official refuted “Intelligent Design” (take that, Kansas). As an ex-Catholic, I don’t have much truck with the church these days, nor do I care much about what they think. But [...]

Are You Ambidextroseous?

During lunch today, one of my co-workers ordered a Diet Pepsi, saying that he was saving his daily non-diet drink allocation for an event tonight where he wanted to be drinking the fully sugared version. The rest of us all thought this was unusual – this switching between artificial sweeteners and sugar. As [...]

Skies of Blue, Trees of Greenish-Yellow, Satellite Dishes of Grey

My backyard tree yesterday, as seen from my front yard:

Look at how blue and clear that Colorado sky is.
Here’s the front yard tree (foreground), and it has no leaves left on it at all:


Nielsen’s Weblog Usability Design Mistakes

Jakob Nielsen just came out with his list of the Top 10 Design Mistakes for Weblogs. I have to admit that I’ve probably made most of these at one time or another, but I was surprised that I actually didn’t make some of them. However, I’m not sure I’m that concerned, since this [...]

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