
Life, Minutiae, Toys, Irrational Phobias, Peeves, Fiber

Validation for my Refined Palate

I’m psyched! In the latest issue of Westword, Jason Sheehan, my favorite foodie writer, reviewed my favorite local sushi place, the Fontana Sushi in Littleton. And he loves it. (See this previous blog entry declaring my own love for the place.) I really had no idea that Fontana was serving such [...]

A Taste of Things to Come?

I stopped for gas on the way to work today, as it’s been two weeks and I’m getting low. I also had the idea of filling up before Rita hits and the prices rise as expected. I went to Safeway Fuel because I get a 6 cents per gallon discount for buying over [...]

From Beyond The Grave

I don’t recall this particular phrase as being a Doors lyric, though maybe Jim said it at some point. Or maybe “Doors” doesn’t refer to the band?
Or maybe… Jim’s shade is communicating with us…?

Proofreading 101

Okay, Rocky Mountain News – make up your mind. Is it Cheryl or Sheryl? This is from the 9/6 print edition:

Maybe Lance is marrying a celebrity impersonator?

Welcome to FlasshePoint

Distance, Redefined is now FlasshePoint. New name, new domain, new host, new design, same crappy content. Please update your bookmarks.
The new RSS feed urls are http://www.flasshe.com/?feed=rss2 (entries) and http://www.flasshe.com/?feed=comments-rss2 (comments).
I fully expect there to be some broke things on this site – please let me know if you find any. I will [...]

And Now A Report From Our Man In The Field

Got this yesterday from bandmate John, on the front lines (or, more like the middle lines) of the Hurricane Katrina disaster (Vicksburg, Mississippi), and am posting it here with his permission. I found it interesting, so I hope others do too. Take it away John…

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