
Life, Minutiae, Toys, Irrational Phobias, Peeves, Fiber

Indecision’s Got Me On The Run

Last night on the The Daily Show, Dennis Miller made the same pope = Cliff from Cheers joke that I made in my blog on Tuesday. Wow, I could be a writer for Dennis Miller!
No, no, Jennifer, please no… First Elektra, and now this.
I haven’t bought any new CDs in awhile, other than [...]


Well, I guess the selection of a new pope today drives a nail in the Bono For Pope movement. But who woulda thought they’d elect that Cliff guy from Cheers. It’s a good choice, since that guy knows everything.
Hey, I think this is the first time ever I’ve done an entire week of [...]

Today’s Special at Pad Thai

Kow Tom Mud Banana!
Kow Tom Mud Banana!
Kow Tom Mud Banana!
Kow Tom Mud Banana!
Kow Tom Mud Banana!
And the coolest thing?
“Your search – “Kow Tom Mud Banana” – did not match any documents.”
Kow Tom Mud Banana!
Kow Tom Mud Banana!

Awds and Ehnds

Synchronicity: As soon as I write an entry about a Bed & Breakfast Inn in an urban area of Denver, the Denver Post goes ahead and publishes an article about Denver B&Bs. Among other things, it says that only 18% of B&Bs are in urban areas, and that the urban ones have mostly business [...]

Romantic Getaways in Hell

One way that keeping this blog has changed my life is that it has taught me to be more observant. I’m constantly in need of fodder to write about, so I’m always on the lookout for strange events, odd people, and unusual juxtapositions. Whereas I always used to look down and keep to [...]

Metapost: Upgrade Complete

I like this! As you can see, I’ve successfully upgraded to Wordpress 1.5. This new Kubrick template, which is the default for 1.5, looks better than the old classic one. And I was able to tweak the colors pretty easily (blue to green), so at least this will stand out a bit from [...]

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