
Life, Minutiae, Toys, Irrational Phobias, Peeves, Fiber

Metapost: Site Upgrade

I plan on upgrading to WordPress 1.5 (from 1.2) sometime this weekend, so don’t be surprised if the site looks weird or is temporarily unaccessible…

We’re Watching You…

A recent newspaper article claims that the city of Aurora is going to start using cameras on stoplights to catch red-light runners. This is the kind of thing I’ve feared was going to happen, as I mention in this entry from last year. It’s a difficult thing for me. On one hand, [...]

Drawn by the Sirens of Titan

I just don’t understand why the Europeans spent all that time and money landing a probe on Saturn’s moon Titan that only relayed data for a couple of hours, when they should be dealing with all the problems facing their countries. Problems like smoking. Doesn’t everybody smoke over there?
And where’s Saturn Girl? (Man, [...]

Let’s Try This Again

Okay, I’ve installed a spam blocker, and you should be able to post comments again…

Out Out Damn Spam

Okay, I’ve had to turn off allowing comments until I can figure out how to prevent the spam deluge…

Too True Headline of the Day

Eating Disorder May Humanize Mary-Kate
Cuz, y’know, she’s like such a robot.

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