Big Bro iWY
I’ve suddenly noticed, especially since they’ve been redesigning one of the major intersections that I go through on the way to work each day, that many of the intersections around town are now sporting traffic surveillance cameras that point in all four directions. I don’t know if they all sprung up overnight, or they’ve [...]
No Necessito
I’ve been listening to the album Feel It by the band Some Girls, which I downloaded from eMusic. This is the group featuring Juliana Hatfield and Freda Love, which rose out of the ashes of the last Blake Babies reunion. One song on it, Necessito, gets my vote for Most Annoying Song I’ve [...]
Where Have All The Rubber Bands Gone?
I don’t have any rubber bands in my house. Actually, I don’t have any spare rubber bands. My sister didn’t believe me when she was here several weeks ago, but it’s true. The few I have are holding closed the bags of frozen vegetables in my freezer. I blame the newspaper [...]
Wheel in the Sky Keeps on Turning
On last night’s The Daily Show, they revealed that democratic candidate Wesley Clark’s all-time favorite album is Journey – Greatest Hits. To me, that’s the very definition of unelectable.
Morning temp: A balmy 37 degrees. Almost shorts weather.
iPod: Died again.
Update [2/18/07]: If you came to this blog by searching for the title of this [...]
To Sleep, perchance to Think
BTW, “Flasshe” is pronounced “Flash”, not “Flashy”. It’s a google-friendly personal variation on Flasche, which is German for “bottle” or “flask”.
There was an article in the paper this morning about how a new study has proven that a good night’s sleep aids in problem solving – something that has been common sense knowledge for [...]
State of Da Union
All praise GWB. He’s going to save the economy by making the tax cuts permanent. Somehow I don’t think that will do anything to help the people in my industry who are finding their jobs shipped overseas.
One of my co-workers says that eventually the only jobs left in America are going to be [...]