
Life, Minutiae, Toys, Irrational Phobias, Peeves, Fiber


If I’m reading her comments correctly, this is how to tell if you’re not living in Sarah Palin’s “Real America”:

You don’t have to grow your own food.
You and your kids play football or baseball instead of hockey or soccer.
You wear a business suit or khakis instead of a uniform.
You live in a big city.
You have [...]

Blud On The Tracks

It’s a List O’ Links Day! But first: I knew it had to happen sooner or later. I got this e-mail from NetFlix today:
Dear Greatest Customer Ever,
As you may know, Blu-ray movies are more expensive than standard definition movies. As a result, we’re going to start charging $1 a month (plus applicable [...]

Fair Weather Fan?

Pet Peeve of the Day: Lightning. What’s the worst nightmare of a Denver Broncos fan? No, it’s not getting beaten 33-19 by the Kansas City Chiefs, which happened last week, although that does come close. It’s sitting down to watch the game on TV on a Sunday afternoon only to have the [...]

Prepping For Asphalt

It’s Saturday! The day no one reads blogs! So I’m not going to talk about anything substantial. Please refrain from the obvious jokes. Actually, I have a longer, more interesting entry already composed that I could post, but why waste it on a Saturday? That will probably show up Monday [...]

Turning To The Right

Okay, enough about snakes and elk and leaves and mountains. It’s time to get back to indoor issues. For some reason, I’ve been thinking a lot about towels lately.
Specifically, the fact that my obsessive compulsiveness forces me to always hang towels so that the open side faces to the right. I’m not [...]

Where’s The Oprah Action Figure?

I’m still in vacation mode so this is going to be short. I haven’t totally processed my vacation pix yet, but I wanted to share this one. One of the tourist-centric rock-and-ore stores in Estes Park has a toy section in the back that I always enjoy visiting for its collection of eccentric [...]

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