
Life, Minutiae, Toys, Irrational Phobias, Peeves, Fiber


I’m blogging from my iPhone today, since N and I are on vacation in Estes Park. I’m currently in our B&B, about to hit the jacuzzi. Today we visited Rocky Mountain National Park. We didn’t even know it was a Park Free Day, which saved us $20. We hiked Bear Lake and Alberta Falls, [...]

The Urban Jungle

So, imagine this. You get up in the morning to get ready for work. It’s still kinda dark out but you don’t turn on the light because your eyes need time to adjust. You head for the bathroom. You see an unfamiliar white line on the floor just inside the bathroom. [...]

How Green Is My Mountain

Back on August 4th, I reported on how a fire had ravaged part of Green Mountain near where I live. Now something miraculous has happened, as evidenced by this picture of the north side of the mountain:

(Click on the photo to go to the large version on Flickr. Sorry about the picture quality. [...]

What’s The Matter?

The Large Hadron Collider experienced problems this past weekend and had to be taken offline. I don’t believe the reason given for the downtime. Instead, I’ve come up with a list of my own possible explanations:

Tunnel clogged with protons; scientists trying to locate largest bottle of Drano ever produced.
Day after the LHC went [...]

Someone To Watch DVDs With

Movie Review Sunday!
Though there’s some slight romance involved, and it’s a comedy, I Want Someone To Eat Cheese With can’t really be considered a romantic comedy. Thankfully. That makes it less predictable. The gf and I watched this one last night on DVD. It was directed by, was written by, and [...]

Swing Left, Sweet Jefferson

So not only is Colorado an apparent battleground state in the upcoming presidential election, but supposedly the county I live in, Jefferson, is some sort of swing county. After a successful appearance in Colorado Springs last weekend, right-wing nutjob VP candidate Sarah Palin is scheduled to speak at the Jeffco County Fairgrounds on Monday [...]

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