
Life, Minutiae, Toys, Irrational Phobias, Peeves, Fiber

Return of the Mailboxes

Our mailboxes are back! Our mailboxes are back! Now that the DNC is over, I guess it’s safe to use the US Postal Service again. Somehow, I think Sarah Palin must be responsible for this. Thanks, Sarah!
Posted from my iPhone using the WordPress app.


Movie Review Sunday Monday!
The only movie I saw during the past week was Blind Dating. This may’ve been a direct-to-DVD only release, but I’m not sure. I don’t remember it ever being in the theaters. My girlfriend saw a trailer for it on another DVD and thought it looked amusing or interesting, so [...]

This Day In History

September 7th is such a momentous day in history, isn’t it? Just look at everything that happened! Here’s some highlights:
1533 – Queen Elizabeth I of England is born
1776 – World’s first submarine attack
1864 – American Civil War: Atlanta, Georgia, is evacuated
1901 – The Boxer Rebellion in China officially ends
1921 – In Atlantic City, [...]


Pet Peeve of the Day: Technology marching forward. Apple is set to announce its new lineup of iPods this Tuesday Sept 9th during it’s “Let’s Rock” event in San Francisco. Pictures of the new 4th generation iPod nano have leaked out (here’s one). It’s odd to me that they’re basically going back to [...]

When Is Information Too Personal?

A blogging friend of mine recently wrote up a long blog entry detailing a chronic medical condition that he’s had for most of his life. His intention was to see if perhaps anyone else had something similar and what they did about it, or he was maybe hoping some doctor would run across it [...]

60th Rock From The Sun

Pet Peeve of the Day: I don’t understand what the big deal is about John McCain choosing Sarah Paulson as his Vice Presidential running mate. Why is this so controversial? True, she’s only 37 years old and inexperienced in holding office, but she did play bible-thumper Harriet Hayes on Studio 60 On The [...]

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